Let me begin by saying, thank you, for such an amazing response to my first ever, preferred client mailing list announcement. I was flooded with support and eager anticipation from all of you, my most loyal and creative clients, about the new pieces I'm booking for my upcoming articles. In all honesty, I am more excited about this new artistic direction for my tattooing than I am even able to convey. And yes, I am open to reducing my hourly rate to do some specific pieces that I have created for the magazine coverage, but is only available for my mailing list subscribers so let me know asap by replying to this.
It is with overwhelming excitement to finally announce that I am the newest resident artist at Nautilus Tattoo, beginning on October 19th. Nautilus is located at 2719 Berlin Turnpike in Newington, CT. Newington is a short drive, just 25 miles from Naugatuck, 8 miles from Hartford and 30 miles from New Haven! I'm extremely grateful and excited to work alongside such talented artists, and am looking foreword to welcoming you guys into one of the top studios in all of New England!
I am eagerly anticipating creating your tattoo art in an environment that both endorses and encourages tattooing and painting. The staff display an obvious command of different mediums and with my love of painting and my new found studies and techniques in tattooing, I feel that I bring a lot to the shop and hope to learn and grow faster than ever.
On the web: I would like to invite you to share in some of the inspired images I discovered simply by getting to know every ones portfolios and paintings on www.Nautilustattoo.com . The idea of creating with these guys is already something I am looking foreword to and if any of you would like to discuss setting up a tattoo collaboration (two artists creating and doing your tattoo together doing twice as much in half the time) I would LOVE to talk with you.
I am eager to set up and confirm appointments now to finish out and photograph all of our existing and in progress tattoos, just email me and I will reply with available dates that apply to your needs. Simply send an email to lastwordalways@gmail.com and include your name, current phone number, a description of existing work, and photos (of tattoo and placement) if possible (phone pics or mirror are fine) so I can see the area surrounding the tattoo as well. Please also include any reference materials or related quotes or concepts, I will start your new file with this information
Any cash deposits can now be dropped off with the front desk at Nautilus but my ongoing clients will always get top priority so tell them proudly your coming to see me!
with respect and gratitude,
Clare Jordan